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9 basic Steps To Start a Short-Let Rental in Nigeria

9 Basic Steps To Start a Short-Let Rental in Nigeria

Basic Steps To Start a Short-Let Rental in Nigeria


welcome to the most comprehensive information on beginning a short-term rental in Nigeria, and the 9 basic steps to start a short-let rental in Nigeria We have put together eight steps to establish a short-let rental in Nigeria if you’re interested in exploring the fascinating world of short-term rental real estate.

Whether you’re a property owner with additional room to spare or an ambitious entrepreneur, this article will guide you through the crucial procedures that you must follow.

Short-term rentals have grown in popularity in a nation where the business environment is flourishing and the tourism industry is expanding. Whether you have a spare room, a small apartment, or a vacation house, renting it out for a brief period of time might be a profitable venture.


Let’s have a look at the advantages of getting into the short-let business before getting into how to start a short-let business in Nigeria. You won’t want to miss this, I promise!


Advantages of Short-Let Business In Nigeria

  • Increased Rental Income: 

You have a piece of real estate that is just begging to be used. You can make a ton of money with that property by using the short-let business! Rather than depending on customary long-term rentals, why not adopt the short-let business model? 

You will be able to collect more money from rentals if you do this. Additionally, you might charge higher rates during the busiest travel seasons, particularly if your house is situated in a famous tourist destination like Lagos, Abuja, or Calabar.

  • Personal Use and Flexibility: 

The freedom to use your property for personal use whenever you like is one of the many wonderful benefits of being a short-let property owner. 

Let’s imagine you wish to take a weekend trip or you have a vacation planned. You can reserve those dates and keep your property to yourself using short-let. Having the best of both worlds is how it is! When you have visitors, you get to make money and use your property whenever you want. How awesome is that?

  • Capitalizing on Tourism: 

Nigeria is a dynamic nation with a thriving tourism sector. Travelers from all over the world are rushing to Nigeria to take in its spectacular natural beauties and vibrant cities. And what do you know? This offers you and other short-term rental business owners a fantastic opportunity! 

You may take advantage of this ever-expanding expat population interested in extended stays in shortlet and the nightlife that generates income for shortlet by providing cozy and reasonably priced lodging. It’s time to move to Nigeria and make it their second home!

  • Flexibility and Convenience:

Shall we have a conversation about convenience? Travelers are often searching for flexible and hassle-free lodging options in today’s fast-paced world. 

That’s where short-let’s beauty shines through. You may provide visitors the conveniences of home while they’re away from home if you own a property. 

You can accommodate their demands, and they can decide how long to remain. Everyone wins in this scenario! Additionally, you avoid dealing with the intricacies of long-term contracts when you short-let. My friend, it all comes down to convenience and adaptability!

  • Diversifying Your Investment Portfolio:

It’s often said that you shouldn’t put all of your money into one venture, and investing is no exception. Your investment portfolio is being diversified by entering the short-let market. You’re distributing the risk over several revenue streams as opposed to depending just on one. It’s a wise decision that will protect your financial future. Why not take a risk and diversify your investments with short-term real estate?

Now, my friend, we’ve discussed the many advantages of starting a short-term rental business in Nigeria. There are plenty of reasons to think about this business, from improved rental revenue and flexibility to taking advantage of tourist and networking opportunities. 


Basics Steps To Start Retail Short-Let In Nigeria

  • Research and Planning:

Let’s lay the foundation first. Spend some time researching the short-let industry before jumping in wholeheartedly. Learn about the Nigerian market’s workings, visit well-known places, and ascertain whether there’s a need for short-term rentals there. You can use this knowledge to guide your decision-making going forward.

  •  Furnishing and Decorating:

The exciting part is about to begin! Make your house a warm and inviting place for your visitors. Select cozy and useful furniture, and don’t overlook the small details that add up to a great space. Good kitchenware, clean sheets, fashionable décor, and comfortable beds will all help to make your guests feel at home when they are visiting.

  • Monitoring and Adapting to Market Trends:

Keep up with changing market trends in the short-term rental sector. To stay competitive and satisfy the shifting tastes of your target market, modify your approach. Monitoring market trends puts your company in a position to succeed in the long run.

  • Navigating the Legal and Regulatory Waters:

It’s crucial to educate yourself about the legal obligations before you welcome guests. Make sure you research the laws in Nigeria regarding short-term rentals as they may differ. 

Find out whether your state or city has any special laws or license requirements. To make sure you’re in compliance with the law, it’s a good idea to speak with a real estate agent or a legal expert.

Ensure that your company is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and that you have all required licenses and permissions, including those related to restaurant consumption and hotel occupancy. Prioritizing safety and security is also important, so make sure your home satisfies all requirements.

  • Finding the Perfect Property:

After completing your investigation, it’s time to select the ideal property. Seek a place that is both reasonably priced and situated in a desirable area. 

Imagine living in a cozy apartment in the middle of Lagos or a quaint cottage by the beach in Calabar, Cross River State. Consider the location, the facilities, and the type of visitors you hope to draw. Regardless of whether you’re catering to vacationers, business travelers, or residents in need of short-term housing, pick a property that meets their requirements.

Think of locations that are convenient for retail malls, public transportation, and tourist sites. Recall that having a home in a prime location improves your chances of drawing and satisfying visitors.

  •  Set Your Rates to Impress:

It takes balance to set a price for your short-term rental. In addition to drawing in customers, you also want to turn a profit. Investigate local market rates to get started. Take into account elements such as seasonal demand, facilities, location, and property size. By providing competitive pricing, you’ll gain an advantage and be able to book those empty dates on your calendar.

  • Deliver Exceptional Guest Experiences:

An effective short-let rental relies heavily on providing excellent guest experiences. From the time visitors enquire about your home until the conclusion of their stay, strive to deliver outstanding service. 

Be sure to maintain your property immaculate, swiftly respond to any concerns, and be accommodating to their needs. The provision of toiletries, unambiguous directions, and recommendations from the local community are little but impactful aspects. 

Recall that satisfied customers write excellent evaluations, which is your key to drawing in more reservations.


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  •  Create an Irresistible Listing:

It’s time to make a listing that gets noticed by potential buyers. Keep in mind that a picture speaks a thousand words, so spend money on glossy pictures that highlight your home’s finest qualities. 

Write an engrossing synopsis that accentuates the features and special selling factors. Allow prospective guests to picture themselves spending a cozy evening in or relaxing by the pool. To prevent any unwanted shocks, describe the situation honestly and accurately.

  • Making Your Presence Known:

It’s time to advertise your amazing short-let rental now that it’s ready for use. Accept the power of the web! 

Having a solid online presence is essential for success in this digital age. Make your short-term rental website user-friendly first. Make sure it’s simple to use, offers accurate information about your property, and makes booking straightforward for visitors. 

Don’t stop there, though! Post a listing for your home on well-known travel websites such as Airbnb, Booking.com, and Vrbo. Make sure your listings are optimized with pertinent keywords, showcase your place with gorgeous photos, and write captivating descriptions that will entice potential visitors to say, “Wow, I want to stay there!” We should be included on the list as well.



It takes meticulous preparation and execution to begin a short-term rental business in Nigeria. You can create a successful business in this developing sector by comprehending the market, adhering to rules, and providing outstanding visitor experiences.


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